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Expanding Your Sales Reach Through Instagram

26 May, 2022 | Return|

We’ve all witnessed the explosion of social media, especially over the last couple years.

While social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn began as platforms to share content and maintain digital connections to friends and family, they evolved into avenues to grow your business.

The majority of consumers turn to the internet to shop for new auto parts, tires or repair services. Most businesses have learned to anticipate the digital starting point of the buying journey and have boosted their website presence in response. However, shoppers aren’t just googling for automotive services – they’re also using social media to find answers. And Instagram is one of their top resources.


The Rise of Instagram

While most small- to mid-sized businesses have a website and Facebook page, not nearly as many have embraced Instagram. The photo-sharing application launched in 2010 and was adopted by 25,000 users on its first day, reaching 1 million in under three months1. Today, 1 billion people use Instagram every month.

Instagram is now a faster-growing platform than Facebook, though its audience is mainly comprised of younger users – millennials and Gen Z. More than 60% of the user base is between the ages of 18 and 342. (For refence, Facebook’s largest age group is 35 to 44). Instagram’s younger user base makes it a powerful avenue for automotive businesses to connect with the next generation of consumers. Instagram has an easy-to-use interface that creates a visual brand for your business, promoting trust, transparency and engagement with your audience.

In today’s digital age, it’s important to be able to connect with potential shoppers online. While many younger buyers aren’t experienced in vehicle repairs and maintenance, they are very savvy in using the internet to find answers. In fact, 50% of people use Instagram as a search tool to discover new brands, services and products. But that’s not all – 44% use Instagram weekly to shop and make purchases3.


Instagram Best Practices

Last month, we shared some best practices for social media success, and now we’re going to hone in on tips for Instagram.


Sizing Requirements

Instagram is a photo-centric platform, so graphics need to be top-tier quality. Correctly sizing your images ensures your visuals will be properly centered and appealing. Here are the recommended image sizes:

  • Width of 1080 pixels (if the image is over 1080 pixels, Instagram will size it down)
  • Height between 566 - 1350 pixels (depending on whether the image is landscape or portrait)​


Character Limits

While Instagram captions allow up to 2,200 characters (and you’ll often see users posting long captions), businesses are encouraged to restrict posts to 125 or fewer characters, especially on advertisements. Your audience is conditioned to scroll through Instagram, often idly, and longer captions are less likely to hold their attention.

For example, let’s say that Bob's Wheels is throwing a summer barbecue to demo their new wheel lines. Here’s what an optimal Instagram caption could look like:

Come BBQ with @bobswheels 7/9 2-4PM $9 per guest - all you can eat! Grab a plate and demo our new wheels. Call for details.​

The post is informative but to the point and delivers all the need-to-know information up front. If you need to apply a longer caption, we encourage you to either include the crucial information in the first line or write an attention-grabbing intro that compels the audience to pause and click on the post to read the rest of the message.



Hashtags (#) are used to index keywords so users can easily follow topics that interest them. Plugging in a hashtag links your post to any other Instagram post featuring the same hashtag(s). Some industry-specific hashtags you might use to draw in shoppers could include:




Is there a such thing as too many hashtags? Yes, but it’s not as restrictive as you might think. While Facebook posts should be limited to 1-2 hashtags, Instagram posts can feature up to 30! This doesn’t mean you should stuff your caption full of as many hashtags as you can think up. Hashtag use should be intentional and relevant to your post. Here are two ways to feature more hashtags:

  • Incorporate them into your copy. Is your car’s #airconditioning ready for summer? Stop by today for an #autotuneup!
  • Group hashtags at the base of your post, where they won’t bog down your message. You may see other posters include their hashtags several lines below the main message – this earns them all the benefits of keyword indexing without overshadowing the actual post.


The bottom line of Instagram is that if you aren’t using it to connect with potential customers and enhance your brand, you could be missing out on quality sales leads and leaving money on the table. You may have concerns about finding the time to commit to another social media platform, and we encourage you to reach out if you find yourself in need of social media support.

Are you ready to take your Instagram presence to the next level? Connect with Net Driven today to learn about our do-it-for-you social media services.



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